How does Instant Audiences attribute revenue?

Instant Audiences inherits attributed revenue reporting from our email service provider integrations like Klaviyo.

Instant Audiences adheres to how each respective email service provider attributes revenue, making all reporting out of your email service provider accurate, like-for-like, and un-opinionated/un-skewed:

  • Audiences does not perform its own attribution, instead relying on reporting from your email service provider.
  • Audiences is un-opinionated about attribution and does not modify the attribution windows or methods of underlying integrations like Klaviyo.
  • Our dashboards pull data directly from email service providers such as Klaviyo to measure attributed revenue. This data is directly from Klaviyo and therefore the same as the data from Klaviyo's own dashboard.

Brands can utilise tools like Google Analytics to perform further analysis on revenue attributed to Instant Audiences. 

An uplift in attributed revenue in Klaviyo indicates a real revenue uplift for your business. 

While no tracking and attribution method is perfect, an uplift in reported Klaviyo revenue means an uplift in actual revenue.

If you are seeing growth in Klaviyo flow revenue after installing Audiences, then this will translate into associated revenue growth.

How does Klaviyo attribution work?

By default, Klaviyo uses a last-click attribution model. Klaviyo's attribution window is five days for emails and twenty-four hours for SMS.

This means that if a customer buys within 5 days of opening/clicking an email or 24 hours of clicking an SMS, and that specific message was the last touchpoint they clicked, then that purchase will be attributed to the last email/SMS.

Klaviyo never attributes multiple emails to a single purchase. Klaviyo follows a last-click attribution model. This means that revenue always gets attributed to the most recently clicked message.

Klaviyo's attribution windows are adjustable. If you believe that the default windows are overly optimistic or conservative, you may want to modify them.

Is Klaviyo's attribution accurate?

Yes. Klaviyo's attribution is accurate and also quite conservative especially compared to other marketing/ads platforms, and therefore a good measure of success when it comes to measuring campaign and flow effectiveness.

Last click attribution models are much more accurate with measuring direct performance of 1:1 messages like email/SMS than other models such as first touch models.

If you are seeing consistent, additional attributed revenue in Klaviyo after activating Instant Audiences flows, with no modifications to attribution windows, then this will be reflective of revenue growth.

How does Audiences stop customers that Klaviyo can already identify from receiving emails from Audiences flows?

During setup, Instant Audiences flows are configured with flow filters and time delays that ensure that if a customer would usually already receive emails from standard Klaviyo flows, that they will not be enrolled into an Audiences flow.

Instant Audiences ensures that standard Klaviyo flows are always preferenced over Audiences flows.

Additional documentation from Klaviyo