Subscribe to Instant button click events

Subscribing to instant button click events allows you to perform custom actions in response to user interactions on your site. For example, you might initiate a "checkout started" event to track user behaviour for analytics purposes.

How to Subscribe

To start receiving click events from instant buttons, subscribe to the instant_button_clicked event. This is accomplished using the window.addEventListener method in JavaScript.

Step-by-Step Implementation

Event Listener: Add an event listener to the window object to listen for the instant_button_clicked event. This event is triggered each time an instant button is clicked.

window.addEventListener('instant_button_clicked', function(event) {
const buttonSource = event.detail;

// Use the buttonSource to perform any desired actions
// Add custom functionality

Event Details: When an instant button is clicked, the event.detail provides information about the source of the button click, such as whether the button was clicked from the mini-cart or the cart page.