Incorporating new profiles from the Audiences new profile export into a welcome flow or other low-touch, incentive-driven flows is highly recommended.
This approach effectively engages shoppers who have shown intent but may still be undecided or browsing.
By integrating welcome flows with the Audiences new profile export, you can create a powerful conversion strategy that maximizes the ROI from your top-of-funnel traffic.
- Create a segment in Klaviyo which contains all new profiles identified by Instant Audiences.
- Follow the Klaviyo documentation on how you can create a segment triggered flow. When creating the flow, ensure you use this segment. - Once you have created a segment triggered flow, add the following filters to the flow
(1) Placed Order zero times since starting this flow
(2) Placed Order zero times in the last 7 days
(3) Received email where flow equals zero times in the last 30 days
(4) If someone is in or not in a list - person is not in