Integrate Instant with Shopify's tracking consent (cookie) banner

Instant integrates with Shopify's cookie banner feature, which makes it easy to request shopper consent for tracking.

In some markets, it is necessary request consent from shoppers for tracking. Shopify's cookie banner functionality makes this easy, and can be use for both cookie-based and cookie-less tracking.

Shopify's cookie banner functionality will detect whether the shopper is in a region that requires consent from shoppers for tracking, and if so, display a simple consent pop-up on your website (Shopify also allows you to override their standard configuration, showing cookie banners in any specific region you like). If a shopper consents, Shopify will then load your tracking scripts that are configured to require permission.

Using Instant with Shopify's cookie banner

If you wish to require shopper consent for Instant's analytics functionality, you can easily configure Instant to work with Shopify's cookie banner.

  1. In your Shopify dashboard, under Settings → Customer events, find and edit the custom pixel for Instant Audiences.
  2. Set Permission to Required  and Data sale to Data collected does not qualify as data sale.

In regions where this is required, Instant's tracking will now only load for shoppers who consent to tracking.