Installing Instant onto Magento 2

This guide will walk you through the process of installing the Instant module onto Magento 2.

⚠️  Installing the Instant module should be first performed on a sandbox
environment before enabling Instant in your live production storefront.

Our team is available to complete this process for you if we have been provided with credentials. Please email for more information.


  1. To begin, ensure you have installed Instant via composer by running the following command in the main directory of your Magento project composer require instant/instant-checkout. For more information on Composer, see the website:
  2. Once installed, run the following command to enable the plugin: bin/magento module:enable Instant_Checkout.
  3. Finally run Magento’s setup command: php bin/magento setup:upgrade.



For your store to be able to communicate with Instant, you will need to activate your plugin installation. Fortunately, much like our checkout, this is a one-click experience.

  1. Log into your Magento store.
  2. Visit the Stores → Configuration link:
  3. From the left hand menu on this page select Instant → App Configuration. (If you do not see this, it likely means the plugin is not installed correctly):
  4. You should see the following page. Here you see an Activate button, and an Instant App ID field, which should be empty. All you have to do is click on the Activate button, and wait for your extension to activate (this should only take a few seconds).
    1. If you are on a staging/testing environment, you will want to make sure you have selected Yes, under the Is Staging Environment dropdown box.


5. Once complete, you should see the following message:

Untitled (1)

6. And that’s it! You should now be able to test out Instant on your store.

7. Feel free to explore the rest of the configuration, where you can modify the styling of the Instant button, or modify where it will be displayed.

If you encountered any issues while installing or activating, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team at

⚡️ Before Instant can be used on production or a live store you must be setup to receive payments. If you aren't already setup please see our guide Getting setup for payments with Instant