How to re-install the Instant Audiences pixel into Shopify Customer Events

We require the Instant Audiences pixel to be installed in two locations:

  • theme.liquid (for docs on how to re-install the theme.liquid pixel, see here)
  • Shopify Customer events

It is critical that both pixels remain installed for Instant Audiences to operate.

If either of the pixels have been removed, events will be dropped and therefore not sent to Klaviyo.

If the pixel has been accidentally uninstalled from Customer Events, it is important to ensure that the Instant Audiences pixel is re-installed promptly to minimise dropped events.

If you have been notified that the Instant Audiences pixel is missing from Customer Events and requires re-installation, please complete the steps below.

  1. Proceed to the Shopify admin and click Settings in the bottom left.
  2. Proceed to Customer events in the sidebar. You will now see a table listing all the active custom pixels on your Shopify instance.

    1. If you do see an Instant Audiences Custom pixel, but the Status is connected, then this means the Customer events pixel is active.  
      If the pixel is active, but you are still experiencing dropped events, please click into the Instant Audiences integration, and ensure that Permission and Data sale are configured correctly. (for more info, see here)
    2. If you do not see an Instant Audiences Custom pixel, then please proceed to the Instant dashboard (, and complete Steps 1 to 8 under Audiences > Setup > Ecommerce platform > Shopify.
    3. If you do see an Instant Audiences Custom pixel, but the Status is disconnected, please click the three dots > Connect. Please click Connect in the confirmation modal.

Upon re-installation or re-connection of the Audiences Customer Events pixel, events will begin to be sent to Klaviyo shortly. 

If you still do not see Klaviyo events after an hour after installation of the Customer Events pixel, please ensure that your theme.liquid pixel is also installed.

If you have confirmed that both your theme.liquid pixel and Customer Events pixel is installed correctly and you are still not receiving events, or are experiencing dropped events, please reach out to support via live chat in the Instant Dashboard, or email us at