Audience Profiles & Events

User Profiles

Once Instant Audiences has been set up, it begins the tracking of profiles and user activity. We use this activity to match and identify the anonymous shoppers as they interact with your storefront.

If Instant Audiences is able to identify a user through their interactions, a profile is created or updated within your email service provider. This user profile will record all the tracked activities associated with that specific user. 

All profiles identified by Instant Audiences are then tagged with a custom property within your email service provider. This ensures that you have a comprehensive overview of all your customers' interactions and allows you to track all of the profiles we have provided to you.

The 'Instant Audiences Tags' custom property has the following options:

  • 'Net New': New contacts identified and created by Instant Audiences
  • 'All': All identified profiles, including existing subscribers

Events (Metrics)

Instant Audiences monitors a range of user events, including the following:

  1. Collection ViewedTracks when a user views a specific collection of products.
  2. Product Viewed: Record when a user views a specific product or service.
  3. Add to Cart: The user adds item(s) to their shopping cart.
  4. Cart Viewed/ Checkout Started: Monitors visits and initiation of the checkout.

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