Setup Instant Audiences

There are three steps to getting started with Instant Audiences:

  1. First, install the Instant Audiences pixel on your ecommerce platform storefront. This allows Instant Audiences to analyse your opted-in web traffic.
  2. Second, connect your Email Service Provider to your Audiences account to notify your Email Service Provider of identified shoppers. 
  3. Lastly, configure flows in your Email Service Provider to market to shoppers identified by Instant Audiences.

1. Install Instant Audiences pixel to your Storefront

Installing the Instant Audiences pixel on your storefront enables Instant Audiences to identify anonymous shoppers on your website.

  1. First, create an account.
  2. Once you have created an account, you will presented with our setup page.
  3. Select the ecommerce platform you are using (e.g., Shopify, Bigcommerce, or Magento)
  4. Follow the detailed instructions provided based on your platform.
  5. You will be provided a snippet of code specific for your account.
  6. Follow the instructions to copy/paste the code to your platforms code editor.

Once you have installed the Instant Audiences pixel, you are ready to start collecting email addresses from your anonymous website visitors.

2. Connect your your Email Service Provider

Integrating Instant Audiences with your Email Service Provider allows Instant Audiences to notify your Email Service Provider of identified shoppers.

  1. Select your email partner from our setup page (e.g., Klaviyo).
  2. Follow the instructions to obtain and copy your API Keys.
  3. Paste the API Key's into the fields provided.
  4. Click Verify to complete the setup.

Instant Audiences currently integrates with Klaviyo. If we are not integrated to your email marketing platform you can easily export/import your email contacts instead. 

3. Configure flows in your Email Service Provider

By configuring flows in your Email Service Provider, you can automatically market to shoppers identified by Instant Audiences, driving revenue to your business.

This step is typically completed by the Instant team. This will ensure flows are configured quickly and accurately, with maximal ROI for your business.

Contact us and ask us to complete your configuration.

  1. Cart Viewed/Checkout Started Abandonment
    This flow markets to shoppers identified by Instant Audiences who have visited your cart or checkout pages but have not placed an order.
  2. Add to Cart Abandonment
    This flow markets to shoppers who have added a product to cart on your website, but not completed checkout.
  3. Product Viewed
    This flow markets to shoppers who have viewed products on your website.
  4. Collection Viewed
    This flow markets to shoppers who have browsed collection pages on your website.